Graham Stoddart-Stones
After a ten-year career in the Royal Navy (submariner), emigrated to the US in 1976 and became a serial entrepreneur. In 1986 came back to the UK for a three year spell on the Channel Tunnel project, and then started an IT-support business in 1989. Married an Isle of Wight lady in 1993, and moved back to Maine in 1996 to grow the IT business, which now had clients on every continent except Antarctica. Returned to the UK in 2001 to give the children an English education, and moved to Somerset in 2008, based on their schools. Became a Parish Councillor in Long Sutton in 2017, and treasurer to several village entities, hoping to make a contribution to village life as payback. Interest caught by digital mapping, and its suitability as a platform for co-ordinating Climate Change activities. As childrens’ university days ended, in 2022 moved back to wife’s roots in Bembridge, and was so impressed by the determination of the Parish Council there to greatly improve the quality of local governance that I joined as a Councillor myself. Now hoping to persuade the council of the advantages to be gained with digital mapping.