Chris Adams
Myself and my wife Jacqui previously lived in Bedfordshire where we raised our two children, Jacqui is a retired civil servant and I a retired senior fire officer. Following our retirement in 2013 we travelled extensively on the waterways of Europe on our barge before moving to Bembridge in 2020.
We both enjoy outdoor activities including walking and are involved with walking groups on the island. I am also a volunteer for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, where I am currently involved in the recruitment for and refurbishment of Bembridge fire station. My role also includes undertaking safe and well visits in the community as well as acting as the link between the Fire and Rescue service and the parish council.
I have always been keen to get involved in community activities and when a vacancy arose my application was successful and I was co opted to the parish council in May 2022. In addition to supporting the hard work of the other work groups and committees, due to my 30+ years of experience in the emergency services I was asked to be the council lead on all emergency and resilience matters. I am also a member of the planning committee.
For example, we have recently been successful in a bid for grant funding to provide equipment and protective clothing in order to establish a flood response team, made up of the PC lengthsmen and volunteers from the village, who will be assisting in the response and recovery following any serious flooding events which are beginning to occur more regularly.
In addition I have been working with local first responders to plan and run some community CPR and Defibrillator training to be held at the village hall and fire station in due course.