


Please use the interactive map below to find details on all of the latest planning applications for Bembridge. Simply choose a year from the ‘Layers’ drop down menu and click on any of the highlighted applications in order to view further details, including, where relevant, a link to the Isle of Wight Council public access planning documentation.

Zoom in or out using the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ keys (or simply rolling your mouse wheel), and scroll left/right/up/down to view the application in which you are interested.

committee members:

Cllr C Adams

Cllr I Davis

Cllr M Groom 

Cllr M Humphray

Cllr S Philipsborn

Cllr M Sullivan

Cllr L White

Terms of Reference:

Planning Reports:

Committee Meeting Documents:

If you require prior year documents please contact the parish office via the 'contact' page.

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