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Bembridge in Bloom Awards 2023

The annual Bembridge in Bloom Awards were held on the afternoon of 23rd August 2023 at the Cloisters.

Congratulations to all of the winners and a big thank you to all involved.

Bembridge in Bloom 2023     

On Saturday 10th June a warm, sunny day, Caroline Peel, Martin Groom and Marianne Sullivan had the privilege of judging the 2023 Bembridge in Bloom Competition, established by Barbara Clough.

These are their thoughts and their winners …

“We had a real treat in store!

The entered gardens were stunning, with the roses everywhere in Bembridge being particularly memorable.

The task of deciding who had won took much discussion and the view that we have some amazing gardeners in the Village, who have passion, and knowledge and a great eye for colour and atmosphere in their outdoor spaces, was a unanimous view of us all.

Finally, we agreed and below are our comments about each winning entry. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who entered and please do enter again next year.”

Best Large Front Garden – 43 Meadow Drive        

Beautifully pruned Wisteria, excellent colour combinations, all year-round interest. Lovely range of planting scenes, succulents etc. A feast for the eyes and evidence of real skill as a gardener. A pleasure for passers-by to see. A really splendid large front garden!

Best Small Front Garden – 26a Trelawny Way      

This little front garden is exquisite! Expertly designed and managed, lovely choice of flowers, shrubs and small trees, a riot of colour and a haven for bees. Visitors can enjoy it from the pavement, feel it welcoming like open arms as you enter, and the perfume can be detected from a distance. Wonderful!

Best Sustainable Front Garden – 9 Egerton Road                             

Some lovely succulents, low maintenance and reduced need for watering, so entirely on brief. Well planned and interesting, but no liking for the astroturf! Solo Busy Lizzy a puzzle, but in all, possibly the way forward as summers get hotter and drier.

Best Containerised and/or Hanging Basket Front Garden – Flat 7 Birdham Court

A good variety of colour, planting heights and levels. Different foliage and interesting containers. All year-round interest. A feast for the eyes. And to be honest, if I have an accident whilst negotiating that corner, it will be because I have been distracted by this stunning year-round display!

Best Business Frontage – no entry

Special Award to – The Village Gardeners for the Memorial Garden, junction High St/Church Rd

This lovely public space, place of reverence and celebration, is beautiful, well designed, with interesting plants, shrubs and trees, with a range of heights and provision of shade and sunshine. It welcomes people and invites them to sit or reflect. It is maintained by dedicated volunteers and is appreciated by all. The fact that it is lovely year-round and looks stunning lit up with Christmas Lights, assures that it is loved and appreciated by all.

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